A timeline of new and old efforts to limit the electoral power of voters of color
A History of Voting Rights
by The New York Times
June 25, 2013
The History of U.S. Voting Rights
Things Explained
April 16, 2020
A Five Minute History of Voting Rights Since 1965
August 7, 2019
Film Summary: Despite what you might have been led to believe, there is no “right to vote” in the Constitution. The film tracks the history of voting rights in the U.S., leading us to a newfound understanding of what obstacles might prevent us from casting our vote in future elections. Armed with that knowledge and a motivation to right that wrong, this film explores just what it would take to amend the Constitution today.
Bring the class together and have students ask the questions they generated in the second section of the chart and share their most memorable moments of the film.
Go a little deeper into the film’s rich historical content. Divide the class into six groups and assign one of the following key points from the film to each group. Have students conduct quick research on their topic question using the resources listed below and others. (This can be done as a homework assignment.) Have students prepare their findings and present them to the class.
“The right of ordinary men and women to determine their own political future lies at the heart of the American experiment.”